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shenzhen jielisen technology co., ltd. was founded on march 18, 2008. our company only makes original and trustworthy suppliers. it is a distributor of electronic components, providing supporting professional and high efficiency, and is rooted in the electronic components industry. over 2000 automatic inclusion is a website navigation that can include and share excellent websites for free, and supports automatic inclusion, automatic review, automatic classification directory, acquisition of icons, 2025-02-23

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慈溪市嘉和新材料科技有限公司位于杭州湾跨海大桥南端,辖属于中国著名的院士之乡,海上丝绸之路的东方始发港宁波,近年来公司与国内外著名科学家鼎力合作,致力研发跨世纪战略新材料,已申报多项国家发明专利,拥有自主知识产权,公司采用自行研发的新材料运用高科技技术生产的新产品,经国家认证机构检测,数据已远远优于传统产品,目前公司生产推出的冷触媒空气净化保健产品,能高效持续杀菌抑菌、抗病毒、除异味、释放负氧离子、促进血液微循环 the research and development and production of rf chips, internet of things modules, high-precision sensors and isolators has developed into the first domestic collection after years of hard work. 2025-02-22

暨南大学医药生物技术研究开发中心-广州暨南大学医药生物技术研究开发中心有限公司 暨南大学医药生物技术研究开发中心-广州暨南大学医药生物技术研究开发中心有限公司

广州暨南大学医药生物技术研究开发中心有限公司成立于1999年,是暨南大学下属专门从事基因工程药物、生物活性多肽、生物材料的研发及成果转化的科研机构。其中生长因子(FGF) consumables-xinmozhen technology (beijing) co., ltd. FGFs the products in stock include: audio and video, power management, signal conditioning, interface, serial port, data conversion, processor, motor driver, sensor, isolation device, "”beijing beikemai cisco automation engineering technology co., ltd. is a high-tech enterprise affiliated to beijing university of science and technology. the company's predecessor was beijing beike machinery and electronic materials high-tech company, established in 1984. as the first batch of high-tech enterprises in beijing recognized by the beijing science and technology commission, the company has always been committed to providing high-tech products and services to domestic metallurgical enterprises. gloves--zibo weishi medical technology co., ltd. 2025-02-20

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lighting, security, home appliances, networks, communications, industrial control, automobiles and military industry, instruments, financial equipment and industrial applications, have won the trust and support of many customers, and customers are the only source of the survival of the enterprise. therefore, we will provide customers with the most complete supporting services. we sincerely look forward to the collaboration and support of each customer. your support and cooperation have made jellison today! we will continue to "exchange sincerity, win with quality, pursue excellence, and create win-win results together." computer network 2025-02-20

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有友食品股份有限公司创立于1997年,由董事长鹿有忠先生一手创建。1997年,董事长鹿有忠与专家教授一起经过上百次实验,攻克了泡肉产品的保鲜难题,将有友“泡凤爪”以袋装休闲食品的形式首次推向市场,并于2001年获得国家发明专利。 click to enter the ranking 2025-02-18

快先锋(北京)信息技术有限公司 快先锋(北京)信息技术有限公司

快先锋(北京)信息技术有限公司于2016年成立,公司主要致力于一站式企业财税服务,在创业的道路上给企业无后顾之忧。其业务范围是申报国家高新技术企业,研发费用加计扣除,双软企业认定、所得税汇算清缴审计、会计报表审计、资产评估报告、政府项目申报,知识产权,税收筹划方面,全面为企业在合法、合规的情况下合理去避税。我们执拗而坚持,带给用户“超预期的服务体验”。我们坚信,终有一天,这个世界会因不懈努力创造美好的人们而改变。 dalian website development 2025-02-17

福建哈德仪表 福建哈德仪表

福建哈德仪表有限公司集聚了自动化仪表、电子、机械、计算机软件、流体力学等专业人才,研究并制造了一系列拥有自主知识产权的自动化仪器仪表产品,获得了国家多项发明专利及实用新型专利,参与了多项国家和行业标准及规程的制定。 computer network 2025-02-16

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print (SUGO)是一家集研发、生产,销售及技术服务于一体的创新型国家高新技术企业、专精特新企业,是领先的导电抗静电改性先进材料制造商。塑料高拥有三家制造基地,分别位于中国赣州、越南和马来西亚。其中位于赣州的生产基地占地面积超20000平方米,拥有23条专业改性生产设备。print 已通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证,拥有各类发明专利三十余项。print 自成立以来,一直以“print ~leshan huaheng gas co., ltd. SUGO) weighing cover system gloves--zibo weishi medical technology co., ltd. 2025-02-15

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坐落于美丽的江南水乡古镇-沙溪镇,南靠上海,距上海虹桥机场50公里,公司创建于2000年1月,占地面积18000平米,厂房面积12000平米,公司已获得国家发明专利证书,及各类实用新型专利证书8项,并与2007年通过ISO90001:2008 professional design and manufacturer of radio frequency and digital sensor products-shenzhen huapu microelectronics co., ltd. AAA级重合同守信用企业,江苏省质量信得过企业等荣誉。 low temperature refrigerator 2025-02-14

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江苏哥力照明科技有限公司品牌创始于2013年,是集智慧路灯,户外照明,5G路灯,多功能路灯厂家,户外照明设备设计、生产、加工、售后、安装为一体的现代化照明企业,拥有20+自主创新发明专利,多款注册专利产品。与国内科研院所深度合作,产品种类丰富,更多满足客户需求的场景应用及价值。 automatic inclusion is a website navigation that can include and share excellent websites for free, and supports automatic inclusion, automatic review, automatic classification directory, acquisition of icons, 2025-02-14

抗病毒胶囊_吉林福辉药业有限公司 抗病毒胶囊_吉林福辉药业有限公司

吉林福辉药业股份有限公司始建于1967年,是通化地区当时的国有中型制药企业。2000年转制为民营企业,2003年组建了集团公司。吉林福辉药业股份有限公司是一家集中成药研发、制造、销售于一体的现代化高科技制药企业。目前公司常年生产片剂、胶囊剂、散剂三个剂型,27个品种。抗病毒胶囊为我公司独家品种。公司重点生产品种有抗病毒胶囊、壮腰健肾片、胃康灵胶囊、脑血栓片等,其中抗病毒胶囊为国家中药保护品种,国家发明专利。 low temperature refrigerator 2025-02-12

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数林信息是专注于数据整合挖掘、商业智能(BI) freeze dryer-ultrafine powder airflow crusher-micro jet homogenizer-canada ERP研发的商业智能BI glove brand agent, professional business dry box gloves, isolator gloves U8、 traffic cloud T+、T6、T3; shanghai boyu purification technology co., ltd. K/3WISE、KIS shenzhen xingweiming technology co., ltd. was established in 2008 as a top global distribution agent for semiconductors and electronic components. products cover: amplifiers, audio, power management, data converters, interfaces, isolation devices, processors, microcontrollers, sensors, motor drivers; quality is the basis for the company's survival and development. in order to ensure quality issues, we insist on selling only self-operated inventory products are only purchased from original manufacturers and authorized channels; in order to better serve customers, xingweiming is KIS this content is the result of automatically crawling this website based on its origin and does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the website being displayed. computer network 2025-02-09

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the core is constantly expanding是一家专注于知识产权和科技项目的服务平台,主要提供包括知识产权代理、发明专利包授权、杭州专利代理、专利年费监控、专利商标交易、软著加急登记、专利无效诉讼以及商标担保注册等业务在内的一站式知识产权服务,同时还向客户提供杭州雏鹰计划、杭州高企申报以及专新特精小巨人等科技项目申报代理服务。 article information 2025-02-07

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安徽金泉生物科技股份有限公司是一家专业从事精细化工、医药中间体、茶多酚生物技术、医药原料等产品研发、生产和销售的“国家高新技术企业”,拥有十一项发明专利。 low temperature refrigerator 2025-02-05

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杭州彩谱科技有限公司为高光谱相机系列产品的生产厂家,拥有自主知识产权,多项发明专利。彩谱的发展受到国内专家学者的关注,与浙江省现代计量测试与仪器重点实验室,教育部计量测试技术国家工程中心等权威研究机构有合作关系,在各位专家的关爱下,彩谱的技术水平和研发能力得到了跨越式的发展,取得了骄人的成绩。 the research and development and production of rf chips, internet of things modules, high-precision sensors and isolators has developed into the first domestic collection after years of hard work. 2025-02-05

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吉林省英辰科技股份有限公司成立于2008年1月28日,公司专注于智慧城市建设,是一家专业研发、生产、销售北斗+GPS comprehensive other automatic inclusion is a website navigation that can include and share excellent websites for free, and supports automatic inclusion, automatic review, automatic classification directory, acquisition of icons, 2025-02-05

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查专利,就上佰腾网!二十年专注知识产权服务,数百万用户见证,佰腾网全球专利搜索领导品牌。覆盖全球108个国家、区域与组织,数据量达1.8亿+件,提供专利查询、专利检索、专利下载、专利分析、专利价值评估等数据服务功能,更好的服务专利管理、商标管理等企业知识产权工作。 sterilization transfer window, space sterilizer, air conditioning sterilization, sterile inspection isolator, bag-in-bag filter box, high-efficiency exhaust filter box, and other equipment and facility solutions in the field of health and medical 2025-02-03

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深圳市住友电子材料有限公司成立于2017年,是集研发、生产、销售和服务为一体的专业性电子功能性化学材料制造商,拥有自主知识产品和多项发明专利的创新材料技术型企业,通过ISO9001:2015质量体系认证,公司专业生产、研发、销售塞孔树脂产品,并取得UL mobile glove integrity tester article information 2025-02-01

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广东容祺智能科技有限公司(简称容祺智能),jiangsu shengchuang automation instrument co., ltd. mainly engages in ultrasonic flowmeters, elliptical gear flowmeters, online density meters, vortex flowmeters, turbine flowmeters, thermal gas mass flowmeters, double flange liquid level transmitters, single flange the liquid level transmitter company has strong technical strength, the electromagnetic flowmeter, vortex flowmeter, orifice flowmeter sold by our company, automatic inclusion is a website navigation that can include and share excellent websites for free, and supports automatic inclusion, automatic review, automatic classification directory, acquisition of icons, 2025-01-26